Establishing a new period with no initial performance data

How to set up an automatic creation of the next period without providing it with initial performance data:

  • Go to ‘Tools’ main menu item and open the 'Account Parameters' tab.
  • Go to 'NEXT_PERIOD_NAME' parameter and click the button to provide the name of the new coming period.
  • Go to the server on which the data loading task for Joopy is installed
  • Open the task scheduler


  • Create a new task:
    • Go to 'Action' main menu item and select the 'Create Task' sub menu

  • In the 'Create Task' window, go to the 'Action' tab, select 'New Action' and select the FileLoadingClient.exe, while browsing and 'CREATE_NEW_PERIOD' in the 'Add arguments' parameter


The new period will be automatically created by the system according to the schedule which is defined in the 'Triggers' tab

You should repeat this process towards each newly coming period

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