What’s in a Commission Plan Page

This article provides a description of the functions, tabs, fields and buttons in the Commission Plan page.

This article does not provide full procedures for the creation of a Commission Plan. This is a descriptive article. 

By default, the Commission Plan page (1) opens up when you click on the Modeling tab. This page shows the available commission plans defined in your system..  

The Plans heading includes two buttons (3) for adding a new plan, either valid or simulated:

  1. To create a new commission plan, press  or
  2. To create a new simulation plan, press .  


The identification details of a commission plan are available. To view them, proceed as follows:  

  1. Click on the arrow down  icon (2) to display the characteristics of the commission plan (4): 

Dates of validation: Start to End date where this plan is approved.

Frequency of renewal: Month to year

Members: Number of Representatives that this commission plan is applied to.

Beside the characteristics fields, the data box includes at bottom four functional buttons: .  

From left; Copy plan for production, Copy plan for simulation, Edit plan and Delete plan.


The right-hand column provides the contents of the commission plan, and updating buttons:

  1. Check the attributes (5) of the selected commission plan (4). These attributes are defined at the creation of the commission plan.
  2. However, you can add commission elements (6).
  3. You can perform a calculation (7) of the commission plan to check the plan equations are effective and check validity of results.
  4. Finally, you can export (8) the commission plan as an  Excel file or a  Pdf file .



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