Changing the File Type in CSV-Loading
The CSV File column enable changing the File Type of a data source directly, without necessitating going through the Editing process.
This option is available in case the external data file was defined as Employees and during setup, the Data File cell was determined as Subjects by default. Consequently, you want to make the correction.
To change the File Type, proceed as follows:
- Click on the Tools module (1).
- Click on CVS-Loading tab (2) to display its contents.
- Click on the file row (3) for the change to highlight it.
- In the File type column, click on the corresponding File Type
(4) button (here Subjects).
- Select from the drop-down menu –either Subjects (selected by default) or Employees (5).
Selection of Employees in the File Type column results in the display of the Column options for CSV File (1) data box for definition of the data columns on the representatives. These selections are valid only if you have already included the employees’ data in the CSV file. Otherwise, an error message is shown.
Proceed as follows:
- Click on Employees in the File Type drop-down menu. The Column options for CSV File (6) is shown for CSV file setup.
- Check the Employee Code (7) selection in the drop-down menu.
- Select the Employee Name (8) in the drop-down menu.
- Select the Department Code (9) number in the drop-down menu.
- Or allow Automatic Loading (10) by clicking the check box.
- Once completed, press Update
button (11) to implement the changes. The selected columns (Employee Code / Employee Name / Department Code) are added.