User Permissions – Defining Permissions – General

To define permissions to a role, proceed as follows:  

  1. Click on the Tools module (1).
  2. Click on User Permissions (2) tab to display its contents. The User Permissions screen (4) shows the representatives with their access permissions.

  1. To define permissions for roles, press the User Permissions  (3) button.  The Permission Roles selection box is shown.
    This box lists the roles or positions defined in your administration in the right‑hand side of the box (5). Besides the standard list, you can add a role.
    The left-hand side (6) includes a table with all functions to be granted the currently selected role. These functions are grouped per functionality.  
    A text line (8) at the bottom of the box provides a description of the currently selected role (7) and its general permissions.
    Whenever a role has its permissions defined, an approval ü symbol (8) is attached to it.
    The selection box includes a set of buttons (9) to add, edit and more roles in accordance with the company administration.


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