To complete the definition of a Commission Plan:
- Perform all setup procedures for a Commissions Element (1) in the Commission Element column.
- Press the Calculate button (1)
- Click on Organization tab (3)
- Click on an Employee (4) name (linked to the Data Element)
- Check the calculated Incentive value (5). Verify it fits the intended commission.
- If not, return to the Commission Element and perform adjustments and corrections (then press Calculate, and check anew the resulting incentive).
- If the value is correct, perform the full definition procedure of the Commission Plan for the next Commission Element.
- Press Modeling (6)
- Select back the Commission Plan (7) and perform the setup of the next Commission Element (8).
(Should be Links?)
- Setting a Commission Plan
- Defining a Commission Element
- Defining Weight (if selected)
- Defining Target (if selected)
- Defining the Commission Rule
- Defining the Commission Rule/Formula Wizard
- Defining the Result if selected)
- Defining the Paycode (if selected)
- Defining the Achievement Type (if selected)