A Table row status can be changed. The upper row in the Table screen includes a set of buttons for rows status update.
Removing a Data Row in a Table
Proceed as follows:
- Click on a row to select it.
- Press the Remove button to delete the row.
- A warning message [Are you sure?] is displayed. Press Yes to delete the table or No to cancel the procedure.
Saving Changes in a Row
Proceed as follows:
- Click on a row to select it.
- Perform the changes in the row cells.
- Press the Save Changes button to save the updated data.
- A green banner declaring that the data has been saved is shown at the far right-hand side of the screen. .
Canceling Changes in a Row
Proceed as follows:
- Click on a row to select it.
- Perform the changes in the row cells.
- If you want to revoke the changes, press the Cancel Changes button to cancel the updated data.
- A green banner declaring that the data has been saved is shown at the far right-hand side of the screen. .