A public message is intended for all representatives linked to one or more Commission Plan. The message concerns the selected plan(s). All other representatives are kept out of the distribution list and therefore, cannot see its contents.
To publish a Public Message, proceed as follows:
- Click on the Tools module (1).
- Click on Messages (2) tab to display its contents.
- Click on Public Messages screen (3) to display its contents. The screen is divided in two areas. The left-hand area (Tables) (4) lists the representatives in a hierarchical mode. The right-hand area (5) lists the list of messages that have been published.
- Press the New Public Message (6) button. The Create New Public Message selection box is shown.
- Since this is a message from a Commission Plan to its representatives, a list of available Plans is shown (1). Click on the selection boxes (2) to select the source Commission Plans of this message. You can select one or more Selection Plans.
Note: You can select all Commission Plans by clicking in the selection box of Plan (1).
- Enter the Subject (3), Attach a File (4) (or Show the File before sending), and type in the Text. The Text box (5) includes standard format tools.
- Select the validity period for the messages by selecting the Expiration Date (7), by clicking on the calendar icon . The Creation Date (6) is set automatically to today but you can select a specific date by clicking on the calendar icon .
- Press Save (6). The message is not sent as in regular e‑mail but is stored in the system. Any representative linked to the Commission Plan can view it when entering the system under Organization / Employees.
- The Messages screen displays a list of messages (9), with identification fields such as Attachment, Creation and Expiry dates, the message originator (Inserted by), the messages subject and more. The list of messages is shown only when the related Commission Plan (10) is selected. The message is shown to every linked representative in the Organization module / Employees tab.